Make your own perfect paneer

Make your own perfect paneer

On a trip of a life-time to India last year, I was lucky enough to take a cooking class with  formidable cook  and entrepreneur Shashi. Up some narrow stairs and beneath the Sunrise restaurant in the beautiful lake city of Udaipur, Shashi’s spotless kitchen is host to...
Nutty-seedy crackers: try these tasty Scandinavian treats

Nutty-seedy crackers: try these tasty Scandinavian treats

Looking for a savoury biscuit for snacking or your next cheese platter?  Want to avoid gluten, dairy, grains but baulking at the cost of expensive whole food versions at the health store?   Just want a yummy cracker that is not plastic packaged, filled with additives...
Getting unstuck: its time

Getting unstuck: its time

“As you become more clear about who you really are, you’ll be better able to decide what is best for you — the first time around.” — Oprah Winfrey People often ask me how they will know next time around: how not to choose the wrong man, or the wrong...
Raw chocolate brownie balls

Raw chocolate brownie balls

These little raw balls of brownie bliss are a definite must for real chocolate lovers – totally rich and dark they will satiate your cravings without the carbs or the processed sugar.And you can whip them up in less than 10 minutes! The cacao needs no...
Supta badha konasana: Recharge your batteries

Supta badha konasana: Recharge your batteries

This is one in a series of posts on restorative yoga poses to deeply relax and nourish body, mind and spirit. You recharge your phone regularly, why not your body? Whether you’ve got five or twenty minutes, this pose is my favourite way to find a deep state of...