What’s for lunch? The return to a real food diet

What’s for lunch? The return to a real food diet

At no other time in history has the question of what to eat been so loaded. Celebrity chefs celebrate the joys of gastronomy but we’re too busy counting calories, killing off carbs and fighting free radicals. Rather than eating for pleasure, our modern day food...
Eternally grateful: How one habit can change everything

Eternally grateful: How one habit can change everything

Imagine a daily practice so simple and so powerful, that should you put it into play, it would undoubtedly change your life for the better. If I was somehow charged with convincing you to adopt just one new outlook in life, something truly valuable that I think would...
Where has all your willpower gone? Making resolutions stick.

Where has all your willpower gone? Making resolutions stick.

At last! The real reason why you may struggle keeping to your well-meaning intentions for improved health, vitality and wellbeing. And it’s not that you aren’t trying hard enough. Its just that willpower is an extremely limited resource, so you need to use...
New year, a new you?

New year, a new you?

 “We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell This year I made a new year’s resolution not to have any resolutions. And it wasn’t because I don’t believe in the power of...
Which wolf wins?

Which wolf wins?

This story is one of my favourites for gently reminding us about the part we play in our own mishaps and marvellous adventures. A friend was having huge issues with her mother-in-law over many years.  While she was able to reduce the anxiety she felt over time, she...
The myth of multi-tasking

The myth of multi-tasking

Have you ever lane-hopped through traffic on the drive to your office while listening to radio news bytes, running through your to-do list, checking for texts at the traffic lights and feeling guilty that your tax return is late? I’ve done it myself. Women seem...
Leaf lessons

Leaf lessons

I recently spent a weekend collecting snails with my four year old nephew. These ‘pets’ held his attention completely as they slid delicately along, spreading their silvery trail amongst the lettuce leaves we picked. Patterns in nature have a quiet...
Why laughter is still the best medicine

Why laughter is still the best medicine

You’ve heard it before. Now science can tell you why laughter really is the best medicine. And just in time for April Fool’s Day. Apart from making us happy, laughter lets in oxygen which feeds your blood cells and the brain, and it also releases feel good...
Chocolate is good for you

Chocolate is good for you

Can something that tastes so indulgent really be good for you too? Well, take note: The British Medical Journal lists the coca plant as the number one food source on the planet. Seriously! It contains more vitamins, minerals, and enzymes than any other plant. It...