by Joan | Sep 30, 2015 | mindfulness, News, Personal development, Wellbeing, Wellbeing Tips
If you were to describe your life at the moment, I’m guessing you would use the word ‘busy.’ How many people do you know with never ending ‘to-do’ lists? If someone asks you how you are – How often would you reply ‘Good….but busy.’ Why are we so obsessed with...
by Joan | Sep 18, 2015 | Wellbeing, Wellbeing Tips
Reading this at a desk? Perhaps you’ve been there for a few hours already? Here’s some facts to make you leap out of your chair (in a good way!). It turns out spending our days at a desk is not only robbing us of our vitality, it’s slowly but surely...
by Joan | Sep 18, 2015 | Wellbeing
I am always amazed when I glimpse the bleaches, sprays and cleaners cluttering people’s homes. All sorts of unnecessary toxic ingredients line the shelves and get smeared on shower recesses (and later your skin) Not to mention inhaled. We are exposed to so many...
by Joan | Sep 17, 2015 | Wellbeing
My foody friend Dom says these Quinoa and cocoa cookies are the best cookies she’s ever baked – which makes them super delicious. For our level 6 Ka Huna massage training on beautiful Stradbroke Island we had Dom’s to-live-for almond, date and cocoa...
by Joan | Sep 8, 2015 | Wellbeing
With BBQ season is almost upon us this tasty recipe from Jamie Oliver’s 15 minute meals is sure to keep you satisfied till the cows come home. A quick and healthy take on a burger, this is one of my new favourite meals to whip up for friends. To accompany...
by Joan | Sep 8, 2015 | Wellbeing
Coconut oil isn’t just for cooking. Its’ amazing naturally antibacterial, antifungal and moisturising properties make it a powerhouse of goodness for skin and hair and even gums. It soaks in quickly, isn’t greasy and it smells great too. You can buy...