How to be idle: the lost art of doing nothing

How to be idle: the lost art of doing nothing

When was the last time you sat down to do absolutely nothing? How about cloud gazing, or walking aimlessly through a forest or park. Or simply walking without listening to a podcast, or talking on your mobile. In our permanently interconnected, busy, optimised, modern...
Winter warmer: spicy red pepper and bean soup

Winter warmer: spicy red pepper and bean soup

This red, peppery soup makes you warm just looking at it! A delicious winter meal with the goodness of roasted red capsicums, kidney beans and tomatoes, with a spicy Mexican twist. Part my own invention, part mix of other recipes (after tasting something similar in...
Legs up the wall: yoga poses that restore

Legs up the wall: yoga poses that restore

This is the first in a new series of posts on restorative yoga poses to deeply relax and nourish body, mind and spirit. My yoga teacher used to say that legs up the wall pose is the cure for just about everything – and I have to agree. After a tiring day spent...