by Joan | Sep 18, 2015 | Wellbeing
I am always amazed when I glimpse the bleaches, sprays and cleaners cluttering people’s homes. All sorts of unnecessary toxic ingredients line the shelves and get smeared on shower recesses (and later your skin) Not to mention inhaled. We are exposed to so many...
by Joan | Sep 17, 2015 | Wellbeing
My foody friend Dom says these Quinoa and cocoa cookies are the best cookies she’s ever baked – which makes them super delicious. For our level 6 Ka Huna massage training on beautiful Stradbroke Island we had Dom’s to-live-for almond, date and cocoa...
by Joan | Sep 8, 2015 | Wellbeing
With BBQ season is almost upon us this tasty recipe from Jamie Oliver’s 15 minute meals is sure to keep you satisfied till the cows come home. A quick and healthy take on a burger, this is one of my new favourite meals to whip up for friends. To accompany...
by Joan | Sep 8, 2015 | Wellbeing
Coconut oil isn’t just for cooking. Its’ amazing naturally antibacterial, antifungal and moisturising properties make it a powerhouse of goodness for skin and hair and even gums. It soaks in quickly, isn’t greasy and it smells great too. You can buy...
by Joan | Jul 30, 2015 | Wellbeing
The saying ‘what you focus on you get’ has been a game changer for me. When I truly grasped that everything in my life was a product of what I had (and hadn’t) been focusing on, I was finally able to make the changes I needed. I was able to go from stifled...
by Joan | Jun 28, 2015 | Change, Personal development, Wellbeing, Wellbeing Tips
The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention. – Oscar Wilde. Is it possible that change is difficult because we are going about it the wrong way? With great bravado we set out on a course of dramatic ‘self improvement’,...
by Joan | Jun 25, 2015 | Wellbeing
Need a little bit of convincing that green smoothies are for you? Try this incredible, creamy mix from my favourite Blender Girl, Tess Masters. Once addicted (and you will be!), you can try out some tweaks for an even healthier breakfast shake. I add more kale, less...
by Joan | Jun 20, 2015 | Wellbeing
Nut milk is super easy to make. And it’s fabulous in cooking, smoothies, porridge or for any other purpose where cow’s milk is normally used (except tea and coffee). So avoid the additives, packaging and expense, and make your own. Try my ‘make it in five’ nut milk...
by Joan | Jun 13, 2015 | craft, DIY, gardening, nature, Wellbeing Tips
Getting outdoors and into nature can be a little more of a challenge in winter. To bring the outdoors inside—and sneak in some gardening time in the comfort of your home, why not make a mini-terrarium! You only need a glass jar and a few items from the garden...
by Joan | Jun 3, 2015 | Wellbeing
I often joke that if I (and the other 7 billion humans on the planet) spent one day being mindful—the world would change overnight. Certainly it’s those quiet, shared moments of stillness during coaching sessions which often spark a profound turning point on the path...