by Joan | Mar 17, 2016 | Wellbeing
Being told to ‘stand up straight’ and ‘look people in the eye’ may sound like outdated manners from grandma’s era rather than sound career advice. As it turns out though, grandma may have been on to something. The latest science reveals our non-verbal communication...
by Joan | Dec 17, 2015 | Wellbeing
Time to celebrate with this deliciously easy recipe is from the always effervescent Jamie Oliver. It’s got all the goodness of a great fruity Christmas cake (without any wheat flour!) and filled with delicious port and rum! I’m struggling not to eat it all...
by Joan | Dec 17, 2015 | Wellbeing
Why wait till the new year, now is the perfect moment to reflect on the year that was. Over the coming weeks, take the time to reflect on the year’s highs and lows, and to refocus on the things that matter most to you. Thoughtfully answering these five questions...
by Joan | Dec 11, 2015 | Wellbeing
Looking for ways to buy less stuff and spend more quality time with loved ones this Christmas? These bright ideas will help you to swap the frenzy of shopping, wrapping, and over-consumption for a slower pace that nourishes the soul. Give thoughtfully. Instead of...
by Joan | Dec 10, 2015 | Wellbeing
Is this a crazy time of year for you? Christmas, in modern times, has become synonymous with an end of calendar year rush to complete everything, do everything and be everything. Its got so busy that we try to manage it in advance, as if by preparing and getting...
by Joan | Dec 5, 2015 | Wellbeing
These alkaline tacos from Tess Master’s Blender Girl are seriously addictive – and a lovely fresh take on this Mexican favourite that is perfect for a summer evening. I pop the nuts on the soak in the morning or the night before, then rinse thoroughly and...
by Joan | Dec 1, 2015 | Wellbeing
If you want yummy nuts, and fruits in a cheesecake without dairy, then this is the cake for you. Raspberry is by far my favourite berry and this dreamcake is the perfect blend of tart with just a hint of sweet. There are a few recipes floating around but this version...
by Joan | Oct 29, 2015 | food, nutrition
I featured this very special bread in a recent newsletter –and its the one recipe I get asked about most. Can a bread be life-changing? When it’s wheat free, and packed with nutty, seedy goodness, sometimes it can. So to make this delicious, and utterly...
by Joan | Sep 30, 2015 | mindfulness, News, Personal development, Wellbeing, Wellbeing Tips
If you were to describe your life at the moment, I’m guessing you would use the word ‘busy.’ How many people do you know with never ending ‘to-do’ lists? If someone asks you how you are – How often would you reply ‘Good….but busy.’ Why are we so obsessed with...
by Joan | Sep 18, 2015 | Wellbeing, Wellbeing Tips
Reading this at a desk? Perhaps you’ve been there for a few hours already? Here’s some facts to make you leap out of your chair (in a good way!). It turns out spending our days at a desk is not only robbing us of our vitality, it’s slowly but surely...