A healthy diet should include healthy food for your mind. With this firmly in mind, I bring you MIND FOOD. Showcasing delicious, nutritious, inspiring, educational books designed to change your perspective and your mind.
Saving you precious time, I’ve researched and selected the latest, greatest authors who have something powerful to say on everything from creativity and self expression, to health and happiness. Think of it as goodness for your grey matter.
Of course all these great reads will amount to nothing unless you actually put the lessons learnt into practice. If you want to stay on top of what matters in your work and home life you need to be taking in new ideas and then acting on them.
So to get you primed – here are some tips for getting the most from what you read:
1. Assign time. A regular reading time will add inspiration into your day. Schedule an ‘hour of power’ in the mornings when you are most alert and able to take in new concepts and ideas. To make it a habit, try one hour once a week at work and at home – and notice the difference to your creativity and thinking. Half an hour before bed is also prime – the more you do it the more you’ll come to look forward to this quiet reflective time.
2. Read what you need. Make a list of the books you want to read (including the ones profiled here), Prioritise what you’ll read first, based on which ones will have the most impact on your life right now. You’re far more likely to finish a book and make use of it, if the subject matter is relevant to your current situation.
3. Be active. Use a pencil or placeholder to highlight the information that stands out most to you – as you read. For every article or chapter, underline key points and make notes (focused on taking action). At the end of the book you can make up a handout and hang it somewhere so you can start using and implementing the information right away. (great to share with friends and clients too!)
Happy reading!