Coconut oil isn’t just for cooking.  Its’ amazing naturally antibacterial, antifungal and moisturising properties make it a powerhouse of goodness for skin and hair and even gums. It soaks in quickly, isn’t greasy and it smells great too.

You can buy a tub of virgin, unprocessed coconut oil from health food stores and most supermarkets. It’s inexpensive and replaces a ton of unnecessary and questionable store bought products.

As the evidence stacks up that many of the ingredients used in skin and hair care are toxic, disruptive to hormones, and have even been linked to cancer isn’t it time you went crazy for coconut?.

Here are 7 ways to use coconut oil in your daily beauty routine-and ditch the nasty chemicals while you are at it. You can replace moisturiser conditioner make up remover mouth wash shaving cream lip balm and skin scrubs with just this one wonder ingredient.

Hair conditioner. Coconut oil penetrates the hair shaft and helps to lock in proteins, which is why you will find it in so many commercial hair products. A twenty cent sized scoop can be massaged into your hair, wrapped in a towel and left in overnight. Wash normally with your regular mild natural shampoo for extra condition and shine.

Moisturiser and lip balm. Mineral oil derived from petroleum is found in many skin and lip balms. While it keeps skin moist it contains no beneficial ingredients and actually coats the skin like plastic wrap disrupting its normal funtion and aggravating conditions like acne. Cocnut oil on the other hand hydrates skin and reduces water loss. Slathering on some coconut oil on your skin and lips. Add skin sensitive essential oils to create your own scent.

Skin scrub. For a delicious skin scrub to buff away dead skin cells mix one cup of sea salt (or sugar) with half a cup of coconut oil. Add a few drops of your favourite essential oil – or scrape in the seeds from one or two vanilla pods and you’ll never look at those expensive scrubs full of artificial fragrances again.

Great for gums. Skip the mouthwash and whitener and swirl a tablespoon full around your mouth for 10 minutes in the morning as you go about your routine. This age old remedy improves dental health,helping care for gums and remove harmful bacteria. It will also help to naturally whiten teeth.

Make up remover, cleanser and shaving cream. As a makeup remover coconut oil does a great job. Apply around eye area with a cotton bud and wipe off. Then wash your face as normal.Coconut oil acts as a great lubricant for shaving and has healing properties for damaged or broken skin so can be used before and after you shave.

Tip: Coconut oil goes solid under about 26 degrees. Decant some into a glass jar with a wide mouth so you can get at it. Or hold the jar under your hot tap to melt and pour onto thirsty skin and hair. Yum!