Why wait till the new year, now is the perfect moment to reflect on the year that was. Over the coming weeks, take the time to reflect on the year’s highs and lows, and to refocus on the things that matter most to you. Thoughtfully answering these five questions and putting your answers in writing is a powerful tool for change. Its something I do each year, usually while on our annual camping trip.
- What were your major accomplishments in 2015? The things that made you proud, happy or whoop for joy?
- What were a few of your major frustrations? What were the things that held you back from achieving all you wanted to achieve?
- What were the big lessons from the past year? What feedback do you have to take you into 2016 on a better footing?
- What is the main reason you do what you do? What’s most important in your life that you may have lost focus on?
- What needs to happen to have the 2016 you want? What beliefs , ideas, habits do you need to shift? What can you start, stop, and keep doing?
BONUS question: What can you give back to make the world a more inspiring place?
It’s a great idea to share this exercise with a partner, family or loved ones, individually filling out your answers and then coming together to share your responses and pool your wisdom. You’ll be glad you did– and more focused and ready to leap into 2016–once you’ve had a well earned holiday!