The saying ‘what you focus on you get’ has been a game changer for me.
When I truly grasped that everything in my life was a product of what I had (and hadn’t) been focusing on, I was finally able to make the changes I needed. I was able to go from stifled full-time wage earner to having my own business based around my passion for holistic healing and personal growth.
The vast amount of energy I had put into my existing role, dissecting and defending it, having my identify rolled up in it, lost its powerful hold over me. What changed? I simply chose to withdraw my focus on what was no longer working in my life and to direct my attention (my energy) to new possibilities.
While I wasn’t always clear from the start as to where things were going, I knew exactly the lifestyle I wanted: a life filled with spaciousness and time to reflect, to be my own boss and follow my instincts, develop my creativity, and become expert in my field. I also wanted to spend more time in the garden, work part-time and have space to give back to the community. I still look with amazement and gratitude at all these things I have created in my life.
Training ourselves to focus on what we want to create for ourselves sounds pretty obvious, but you’d be surprised how many of us struggle to articulate just what that means for our own lives.
While we are pretty clear on what we don’t want, we don’t always have the language or the vision for what we would like to see more of. Its almost as though we haven’t allowed ourselves to think that far. Is it any wonder then when we get more of the same, or worse more of the very thing we are trying to avoid.
So I invite you to take a moment now to reflect on this powerful idea. That your relationships, career, health and friendships right now reflect the quality of the energy, love and thought you’ve put into them.
If something is not how you want it, where has your attention been going? Have you been looking towards what you want to create or wrestling a long list of things you’d rather avoid?
Does any of the following sound familiar? ‘I don’t want to stay stuck in my present job.’ ‘I’d like my partner to be less critical.’ ‘I want my kids to stop complaining all the time.’ ‘I don’t want to spend my weekends doing housework.’ ‘I wish I weighed less.’
If so, then perhaps its time to put makia into action in your life.
Envision your future
Having a clear vision of what you are working towards and steadily focusing your attention on it creates forward momentum. This after all, is the very same focus that sits at the heart of meditation. You pull opportunities into view, make connections and notice new ways of achieving your goals. This is because your mind goes after what ever you point it at – even when you’re not thinking about that issue your mind is now primed to bring related information into view.
This function is carried out by your reticular activating system or RAS. This part of your brain is the reason why red Mazda 3’s seem to be everywhere when you decide to buy one. Rather than there suddenly being more our on the road, you’ve simply programmed your mind to look out for them. Once you own the car and are no longer looking out for that particular model your attention will be transferred elsewhere. Attention is finite after all!
So if I’ve learned anything in my training and experiences as a coach its this. What you focus on you get or energy flows where attention goes. Focus on problem you will get more problem. Focus on what’s wrong you will get more of that. You effectively energise whatever you direct your attention. By shifting your attention to what you would like to have more of in your life you not only bring it into consciousness you provide yourself with the opportunity to take action and achieve new outcomes in your life.
Next steps with Makia
- Do an energy audit – where are you putting your attention? What results is this getting you?
- Create a list of things you would like to make happen in your life. How can you align your thought patterns, and direct your attention to give these ideas the energy and focus they need to come to fruition?
- Write what you come up with and hang it somewhere you will see it. Pop it in your smart phone, on the bathroom mirror or your fridge.
- Got a spare moment spend some time envisioning your idea. This is where you relax and meditate, using your imagingation to create a clear picture of you living out your desired state.
Once you have a sense of what is needed get out there and start doing. You don’t need all the answers all at once, just try something, assess and revisit and refine as you go.
I’d love to hear how using the principle of makia and energy flows where attention goes – to energise your goals.
Alongside delicious, flowing and deeply healing massage, the Hawaiian tradition is rich with many other gifts. The seven huna principles provide a powerful perspective from which to view the world—one that I continually refer to in my daily life. So you can absorb their wisdom I’m sharing my musings on their meaning over a series of posts. Today is principle number 3: Energy flows where attention goes.